The Inquirer touches on the same topic that Josh covered on the podcast and in his article on AMD’s second quarter, before the year is out we will have new CPUs.  Unfortunately that is the pinnacle of the good news, though the bad new is not too depressing.  What we will see is most likely Intel’s LGA1155 Sandy Bridge which is a 32nm replacement to the currently available 45nm quad core Lynnfields, not a huge change but good to see apart from the socket change.  From AMD it is Llano and the Ontario Fusion chip, lower powered and with an integrated GPU whose capabilities we are not yet sure of.  The real fun starts early next year, so head over to The Inquirer for a peek.

“AS SOON AS rumours were heard that both Intel’s Sandy Bridge and AMD’s Fusion initial entries might be announced well before the end of this year rather than early in 2011, expectations were raised that we might enter the CPU generational switch soon, or at least a bit earlier than expected. But what do the expected Sandy Bridge release at Intel’s September IDF and AMD’s follow-up Fusion release shortly afterward mean?”

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