Well, the motion of your head as you duck and try to peek around corners still doesn’t work as a game input, but the e-Dimensional G-Pad Pro being reviewed at Tech ARP may be the next best thing.  For 3rd person shooters and racing/flying games, when you tilt the gamepad, it is translated into movement in the game.  Available for PC and Playstation 2, it ought to be fun try try out a few times.
“With so many gamepads in the market, it’s hard for any manufacturer to differentiate their gamepad from the rest. But eDimensional may have just done that with their new gyroscopic gamepad – the eDimensional G-Pad Pro!

Join PsYkHoTiK today as he puts both the PC and the PlayStation 2 versions of the G-Pad Pro to the test! Find out just how well they did! ”

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