The brother of the Blue Screen of Death has been visiting hapless PC users for a long time, but it seems that it is becoming more common.  The Black Screen of Death leaves you with nothing but a black screen and possibly an Explorer window, your desktop, taskbar and those familiar icons disappear.  This particular run of BSODs has been triggered by a recent Windows Update, though not all systems have been affected, and the victims include every windows from NT on to Win7.  The Inquirer links to the company that has been doing research on this problem since they have a fix for most unfortunates; Microsoft does not yet have a fix to offer. 

***** Update *****

It seems that this is a good ole viral problem with a very good sense of timing, at least according to this story on The Inquirer.
“PC SOFTWARE FLOGGER Microsoft has said it is looking into reports that its recent security updates are causing “black screen of death” problems.

After installing the updates, those users affected are left with a black desktop and little else.British insecurity outfit Prevx was the first to notice the problem.”

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