It looks like we have a new Crysis, in [H]ard|OCP’s graphics review of the new game Metro 2033 it is stated that “the 5970 does not have anywhere the needed GPU power to push Metro 2033 at the native resolution of 3600×1920 that I am using. And while I have not experienced it, I would suggest that GTX 480 SLI will not either.”  You would be right to point out that the original Crysis Slideshow Edition didn’t need to contend with multiple monitor setups and that is true, but now that we can have three monitor setups the gauntlet has been thrown for performance.  The game shows of some features of DX11 that were not implemented in Aliens versus Predator which is a major part of the reason that Metro 2033 is so demanding.  There are also some differences in the way AA is treated in this game depending on whether you use AMD or nVIDIA that is also worth investigating.
“Metro 2033 is proving to be a graphically demanding DX11 game. It offers a unique array of graphical features including Tessellation. We compare the GeForce GTX 480 and GeForce GTX 470 to the Radeon HD 5870 and Radeon HD 5850. We also have detailed apples-to-apples testing and image quality screenshots.”

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